The Last Resident of Land Between The Lakes

  • Post category:Abandoned

Land Between The Lakes National Recreation Area was once home to over 2,000 families and several small tight-knit communities. The Tennessee Valley Authority took over the vast 170,000-acre peninsula between Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley in the 1960s. TVA purchased the land from the families and many of them found new homes in nearby communities.

One resident, however, refused to move.


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Pryor Creek Bridge in Land Between The Lakes

Several years ago, right after we had our first child, we were treated with an afternoon off from our little guy and ventured out into the vast woods of Land Between The Lakes.

The destination was Pryor Creek, just south of the KY/TN border near Lake Barkley.  We were on the hunt for an old abandoned bridge, and with some luck, we found it.  We went in the summertime and had to fight ticks, mosquitoes and a lot of overgrowth.

Recently I decided to take advantage of a warm winter day to revisit the Pryor Creek bridge ruins and see if I could get better photos. With all the briers and vegetation gone, it would be a lot easier to get to.  It was good to get these photos!


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